Wednesday, September 26, 2012

let's try this again...

My little boy started the "big boy" class today...3 yrs and potty-trained only.

So yeah...I started that post, the one riiigght up there oh-i-don't-know roughly THREE months ago. Awesome. Not even my first post and already an EPIC blog fail.

Such is the story of my life. I am a stay-at-home (ish) mother of two. Little boy is 3(ish) and baby girl turned 2 in July. I say stay-at-home ish because I am determinately (almost doggedly, bull-headedly) trying to work from home as an interior designer (holla!).

I have a few clients here and there...but mostly it's dirty diapers and PB&J sandwiches. Occasionally we get crazy and add some chicken nuggets to the mix. I know, I know...I'ts hard to control the excitement.

I've been toying with the idea of this blog for (let's old did I say my son is?...oh, that's right, THREE YEARS now and I've decided it's time to get on the share too much about my life bandwagon).
PS...the wheels on this bandwagon are broken. Its gonna get a little bumpy.

Here's hoping we all enjoy the ride!