Thursday, December 13, 2012

Belly B's

So yesterday, while I was driving my son (kid #1) and daughter (kid #2) home from preschool, we started talking about belly buttons.
Yep...belly buttons.

Kid 1: "Why do I have a belly button?"
Me: "Well, when you were a tiny, tiny baby and you were inside my tummy, there was a tube that connected us and that's how you got food" (which, as we all know, is the truth...but sounds really creepy and science-fiction-ey when you say it out that's nice).
Kid 1: "Oh"

Long pause.

We've been talking about families a lot lately (who is mama's daddy, who is daddy's daddy, who is daddy's daddy's get the point. In fact, over Thanksgiving kid #1 looked at my mom and said "Who's your daddy?" I had to assure her that he did, in fact, want to know about Grandpa Bill and was not just setting her up for an inappropriate punchline. But I digress).
The point is, the next part of this conversation wasn't a huge surprise.

Kid 1: "Why do you have a belly button?"
Me: "Because when I was a tiny, tiny baby and was in my mama's tummy, that's how I was connected to her."
Kid 1: "Does Yaya have a belly button?"
Me: "Yes"
Kid 1: "Why?"
Me: "Because when she was a tiny, tiny baby that's how she was connected to her mama."

Kid 1: "Does Grammy (my grandmother) have a belly button?"
Me: "Yes."
Him: "Why"
Me: "Because when she was a tiny, tiny baby that's how she was connected to her mama."

And just as I'm welling up with tears up over the marvel that is motherhood; that we were actually physically connected to our mothers and how freaking amazing that really is, I hear "Poop!"

Followed by a round of giggles.
And then again "POOP! Mama, I said poop. That's a potty word!"
More giggling.


Monday, December 3, 2012

Sh*t my kids say....

You'd think I'd have lots to talk about after traveling for A FULL WEEK with two kids in tow. Perhaps I'm still in shock?

At any rate, a little something to fill the time...shi*t my kids say...

This past weekend while playing with one of those balsam wood (read: very, very thin and fragile) airplanes....
Kid 1 (decisively): "I need a bat"
Daddy: "Why?"
Kid 1: "There's a bug on my airplane"

This morning while groaning and moaning getting dressed for school....
Kid 1: "I am NOT going to have a fabulous day today"

Throughout the day...
Kid 2: "I like" (while nodding her head)
(This means I DO in fact like something)

Throughout the day...
Kid 2: "I like" (while shaking her head)
(This means I DO NOT in fact like something)

Kid 2: "I gotta poop" 
When I take her to the bathroom..."I GOTTA POOP" (whil vehemently shaking her head).
Apparently,the first time she said it she was shaking her head internally. So really it was more like a basic status update (as in "hey Mom, I don't have to poop right now").
Hey, fun fact kid 2...I will assume you DO NOT have to poop until you tell me that you do ACTUALLY need to potty. Also, if you could learn to use your "don'ts" verbally that would really help things out. M'Kay? Thanks.