Monday, October 29, 2012

No, no, ladies and gentlemen...thank your

Friday and Saturday were gross. Windy and gray and gross. On the plus side, it actually felt like a normal person's "fall" (a rarity here in South Florida).

The hubs stayed home (his job is mostly outdoors, so on rainy days he is usually with us).
Around 10am, after four mind-numbing episodes of Dino Dan (don't judge...they are in 15 minute clips so it was onlllyy an hour of tv...unless you count the two Mickey Mouse Clubhouse episode before crap, I'm a terrible mother), I decided to break out a rainy day favorite. PLAY-DOUGH!!
Actually, we use generic so its really Doh-Pate (yeah, its french. I'm fancy).

Anyhoo, I got out the little plastic mats to cover the table (because SOME YAHOO picked a dining room table with GROOVES in it! Moron. Oh wait, I picked it. hmmm...). Then I got out the spatulas (for mashing) and the forks and knives (butter knives! Jeez..I'm not THAT bad) for forking and kniving and a few shape cutter things for shape cutting.

Four minutes later...the kids were bored. Back to square one. Well, really negative 6, since I now had to put away Doh-Pate paraphernalia.

But WAIT...I suddenly remembered I had a magic closet-o-goodies that I keep extra toys, crafts and doo-dads in. Yahoo! So, I laid out some paper on the table and we got these out (well, sort of these, but the cars were already assembled).

Then I very carefully explained how they (kid 1 & kid 2) could mix colors on the table (the table that had been covered in paper), but they had to wipe off their brushes before re-dipping into paint. Kid 1 immediately double dips his brush into the red and the green (leaving us with a lovely shade of beigey-brown), I shriek like a monkey, hubs says "does it really matter?", kid 2 sees that the green has been contaminated and begins to wail (because of course that is the color she desperately needed for her car) and I give hubs a decided " does matter look".
But I digress.

Kid 1 and kid 2 happily spend at least 15 minutes painting their cars...then we wait. Don't worry, it was only 2 hours before they are dry enough to apply stickers. The kids busied themselves with removing all of their clothes from their dresser.

Then I made lunch, while they did stickers. As they were almost finished, hubs said "Now, don't we need to thank Mama?" (Oh, sweet sweet man). To which kid 1 replied..."um, no".

Husband: "Yes, we need to thank her for getting us these awesome cars".

Kid 1: "Oh no Daddy...I picked them out. Mama...I need for you to say Thank you".

Mama: "Clearly, that's how this should work"

Kid 1: "And then I say you're welcome".

Well, at least he understands manners, even if he doesn't really apply them so much.

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