Wednesday, November 7, 2012

There's a little game I like to play...

I call it "Who Brought the A**hole".

The kids go to pre-school three mornings a week.
The morning routines usually go something like this...

The kids get out of bed sometime around 7am. I tell them its time to get dressed, they lay on the floor (sometimes there is gnashing of teeth and flailing of limbs) and we get to play another of my super-fave games "Let's Pretend to be Overcooked Pasta". Sometime between 7.30 and 7.45 the dressing/teeth brushing/bed making marathon has been completed and we sit down to breakfast (well, the kids usually sit while I pack lunches, brush my own hair, run around like an idiot looking for know, the ushz).

This morning they had peanut butter/honey toast and half a banana. I know, sounds good right?
I packed myself a little cup of yogurt with some nuts and honey for the car.

We get loaded up and ready to (and MAY actually be on time...miracle of miracles!). Both kids (who have finished their breakfast), see mine and request politely beg for a taste.

Me: "I'll give you a bite when we get to school".
Kid 1: "I want some yogurt"
Me: "I told you, I'll give you a bite when we get to school"
Kid 2: "I want some yogurt"
Me: "OK...I've already said...I will give you a bite when we get to school. Now, this is Mama's breakfast, so PLEASE stop asking about it"
Kid 1 (plaintively): "Well, don't eat it all"

8 minutes later, I'm licking my spoon when I realize, apparently that WASN'T enough...because I have the memory of a goldfish and ATE ALL THE D*MN YOGURT.

Yeah, so now you know...I brought the a**hole.

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