Monday, December 3, 2012

Sh*t my kids say....

You'd think I'd have lots to talk about after traveling for A FULL WEEK with two kids in tow. Perhaps I'm still in shock?

At any rate, a little something to fill the time...shi*t my kids say...

This past weekend while playing with one of those balsam wood (read: very, very thin and fragile) airplanes....
Kid 1 (decisively): "I need a bat"
Daddy: "Why?"
Kid 1: "There's a bug on my airplane"

This morning while groaning and moaning getting dressed for school....
Kid 1: "I am NOT going to have a fabulous day today"

Throughout the day...
Kid 2: "I like" (while nodding her head)
(This means I DO in fact like something)

Throughout the day...
Kid 2: "I like" (while shaking her head)
(This means I DO NOT in fact like something)

Kid 2: "I gotta poop" 
When I take her to the bathroom..."I GOTTA POOP" (whil vehemently shaking her head).
Apparently,the first time she said it she was shaking her head internally. So really it was more like a basic status update (as in "hey Mom, I don't have to poop right now").
Hey, fun fact kid 2...I will assume you DO NOT have to poop until you tell me that you do ACTUALLY need to potty. Also, if you could learn to use your "don'ts" verbally that would really help things out. M'Kay? Thanks.

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